
Metabiology is a study of the invisible systems of life spanning from the subatomic to the celestial.

Basically, its cell biology all the way down, not turtles. If you got that reference, you’re a nerd, and you’re always welcome here.

By using cell biology as a template, we are able to map elements within the cell to elements of unseen systems. The latter elements are obtained by cross referencing multiple sources of material from the OBE/LBL/NDE experiencer community. These so-called astral systems map quite nicely to systems in the cell, and they tell the same narrative, albeit the complexity and sophistication of cellular earth is many times that of the cell.

Much of the understandings derived from such mappings are echoed in the deeper cosmologies and teachings of the ancient world religions. Examples include; Sumerian, Egyptian, Kabbalah, Gnostic, Kashmir Shivaism, and Vedanta.

Jungian Psychology has also proven to be useful in mapping out the cellular psyche.

This is the science of “as above, so below” in a very literal sense. The invisible is inner visible within the generalized cell itself. We can therefore grasp and ground the unseen systems of life by mapping them to the empirical biology of the cell. The implications of what this science has to offer reach all the way from psychology to cosmology and particle physics.

The primary tenet of Metabiology is that we have inherited biology from systems of life that exist both above and before us. Should it be surprising? After all, we are children of the living universe. The Cytocosmos is a multidimensional living fractal, a cellular holarchy that has hitherto been called the universe.

There is a lot of work to be done in this arena and so much to uncover.

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If you come across a password protected article this means that its still being edited and organized. They will all be available soon. Thanks for your interest and patience.

